What is your emotional focus??

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“We have to be careful not to wish away stages of our life”
— Steven Furtick

If this past year (2020) has taught any of us anything it’s how to adapt. We’ve been thrown up out of our routines and familiarity and into the unknown. Many have lost jobs, businesses, or loved ones. 2020 has been quite the ride and we don’t know what 2021 will bring...


This past year has also brought some gifts. It’s taught us to APPRECIATE all the things we take for granted on a regular basis; going out to eat, stopping anywhere to get whatever we need, spending quality time with friends and family, actually physically going to work, sending our children to school...

Often, we choose what is familiar because it’s comfy and cozy. In 2020 a lot of us have been pushed out of our comfort zones. We’ve had to adjust and adapt to a new normal, leaving some of us with a chaotic emotional focus.

So, what is your EMOTIONAL FOCUS right now?...Is it on all the negative?...On the things you’ve lost?...Or is it on the lessons you’ve learned?...The WISDOM and PERSERVERANCE that you’ve GAINED?...Life will always bring trials and tribulations. What we choose to focus on is what we will manifest.

Are you addicted to feeling miserable because that feels familiar? I can sometimes get stuck in that rut. Do you adopt a “don’t expect anything good to happen attitude?” If you’re looking for rejection you will find it, but if you’re looking for blessings and expansion then you’ll find that too.

Whatever we focus on for long enough is what we ultimately create for our life. Good and blessings can feel abnormal sometimes so we push them away. You can choose how you respond to life and therefore you have the power to create the life you want. It's not always easy, but it is POSSIBLE with discipline.


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