Functional Hormone Testing

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Hormones play enormous role in how we look, feel and function. They are chemical messengers in our bodies that operate in a strategic rhythm. In order to feel well and for the body to heal they need to be in proper balance. Usually, when thinking of hormones, we tend to think of reproductive hormones, but did you know that there is a hormone that controls every function in the body? Thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, hormones that balance blood sugar and sleep patterns, hormones that even help our bodies heal and repair while we’re sleeping.

Though, like many things inside our bodies, hormones can become imbalanced.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances include fatigue, weight gain, low libido, infertility, mood swings, anxiety, PMS, and heavy painful periods.

Hormone imbalances are almost always a downstream effect of an upstream issue; meaning there is something else going on. Hormonal imbalances can occur due to toxic overload, stealth infections (Gut), autoimmunity, mitochondrial issues, chronic stress, & use of birth control (yes girl).

Functional Hormone Testing using the DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) tells us what hormones are out of balance, how your body is metabolizing those hormones, and how your enzyme pathways are working. This test, combined with other functional labs, can give us vital information about what exactly is going on and how to address those imbalances. We can then make a personalized protocol based on your unique needs without guessing or wasting time.

Some ways to balance hormones include addressing endocrine disrupting toxins in your environment, opening detox pathways, healing the gut, supporting adrenal restoration, managing stress & getting adequate sleep.


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